WOMEN'S CIRCLE: Mikayla Clayboss
How did you get started in drag racing and how long have you been racing?
My dad, Mike Clayboss (Buu-wack), has been racing since he was 15 years old. I was born into the hobby, and I definitely got the itch to start my own drag racing career. All I want is to make my family proud! I started by racing my mom’s 1972 Oldsmobile Cutlass. The car was able to go a 12.82 in the ¼, but I was ready to go faster. This is when my family and I decided to purchase my Foxbody.
In a predominantly male sport are you treated fairly / equally by your fellow male racers?
It was a little intimidating at first starting off in a predominantly male sport. The guys that I have met have been nothing but supportive and have continued to encourage me throughout my races.
What are the top 3 things that you enjoy the most about drag racing?
1 - I enjoy the adrenaline rush that comes along with waiting for the tree to drop.
2 - Everyone at the racetrack has become like a second family. People are always eager to help one another out if needed. The track really has become like my second home.
3 - Nothing compares to seeing your win light appear.
Recently woman have been dominating the national drag racing circuit. What do you think is the reason for this?
I believe that women are dominating the racing circuit because it is proven that they have a quicker reaction time. Recently the younger generation of girls have been inspired by seeing the other female racers.
Who is your favorite female racer and why?
My favorite female racer would have to be Lizzy Musi. Lizzy started off her career at a track local to where I started as well. I met her at the No Prep Kings event this past year. She gave me a few pointers along with wishing me the best of luck with the rest of my career. She has become a huge role model for me, and I wouldn’t want it any other way!
Is there anyone that you would like to thank for helping you get started into drag racing?
I would like to thank my dad Mike for raising me with a love and respect for cars. I would like to also thank my mom Dawn and my brother Kingston for their endless support with the start of my racing career. Dave Mizell as well for trusting me to continue the next generation with his car, and Derrick Bilbo for the late nights spent rewiring my electrical. Lastly, I would like to thank my sponsor at Nona Rosa Pizzeria for everything they have done for me, and Tri-County Performance for supplying me with parts.
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